Transferring eSpace CFX from to MetaMask


This tutorial is focused on MetaMask, but you can use any other supported wallet, such as Wallet Connect-based wallets and Ledger devices. See Choose a Wallet for more information.

Transferring eSpace CFX from KuCoin to MetaMask

  1. Log-in to your account.

  2. In, go to Wallet > Withdraw.

3. In Withdraw, expand the Coin Code select and search for CFX. Then click the result.

4. In Chain, select CFX EVM.

5. In CFX Address, enter your eSpace account address.

6. Optional: In address description, add a description for this address, such as "My Conflux eSpace MetaMask account".

7. In Amount, enter the amount (in CFX) that you wish to transfer.

8. Enter your fund password, email code, and Google Authenticator/TOTP code, then click Submit request.

Your funds have now been sent to your MetaMask account! The operation will take a couple of minutes.

Last updated